Celebrate the 2021 inaugural season of the Legacy Theatre!
Legacy Sponsorship Opportunities
Legacy Sponsor
Sponsor the entire 2021 inaugural season, which includes: four mainstage performances, holiday show, 25+ Broadway Concert Series, 15+ Children’s Series, and 4 Expanded Voices Series. Also includes: two tickets to each show, company name mentioned before show, signage in lobby, recognition on lobby flatscreen, premium ad choice of first page or back cover of program, company logo on website, email blasts, and programs.
Season Sponsor
Sponsor the four mainstage performances. Also includes the following associated with the four mainstage performances: two tickets to each of the four shows, company name mentioned before each mainstage performance, signage in lobby, recognition on lobby flatscreen, premium ad choice in program, website, email blasts, and show programs.
Performance Sponsor
Sponsor one of the mainstage performances. Also includes: two tickets to the show you are sponsoring, company name mentioned before this mainstage performance, signage in lobby, recognition on lobby flatscreen, business listed in program, company logo on website and email blast promoting your sponsored performance.
Broadway Concert Sponsor
Sponsor one evening in the Broadway Concert Series. Also includes: two tickets to the show you are sponsoring, company name mentioned before this concert, recognition on lobby flatscreen, business listed in program, company logo on email blast promoting your sponsored performance.
Children’s Program Sponsor
Sponsor one Saturday morning children’s program. Also includes: company name mentioned before the program, recognition on lobby flatscreen, listing in program, company logo on email blast promoting your sponsored program.
Community Sponsor
Recognition on lobby flatscreen, name listed in program and on website as a community sponsor.
Friend of Legacy Theatre
Recognition on lobby flatscreen, name listed in program and on website as a friend of the Legacy Theatre.
Sign Me Up!
Thank you for becoming a Community Partner! Please complete the form below and you will be contacted about payment.
Or email gina@LegacyTheatreCT.org if you prefer.